Who we are

Us waving to the internet

We are a geographically distributed community of seekers and friends, connecting face-to-face via video calls. We connect and reflect together in relationship as a catalyst to self-development, increased awareness, greater integrity. We relish our diversity across gender, generation, nation, ethnicity, religious (or non-) background, socioeconomic status, and other perspectives increasingly. Some of us bring backgrounds in various related fields or scenes: adult development psychology, relational practices (e.g. Authentic Relating, Circling, Collective Presencing), and the "sensemaking web" (e.g. Game B, Integral, Metamodernism). Regardless, all of us are united in one thing above all else: seeking to grow.

Our values orient around awareness, acceptance, and integrity as big themes. Awareness means consciousness and attention: taking the "balcony view" perspective on ourselves and on the people and systems we're intereacting with. Acceptance means facing reality - being able to be with what is, as it is, without deceiving ourselves. From awareness and acceptance flow greater capacity for compassion, empathy, and our ability to hold our intentions as objects of reflection, in integrity with our layers of body-mind-self, our personal relationships, and our interfaces with the larger systems we're a part of.

Other values we've named are: Authenticity, honesty, adventure, perspective-taking, reflection, learning, seeking, earnestness, paradox, connection, friendliness, play, kindness, curiosity, goodwill, inclusion, drive, balance, desire

Regarding Membership

Who and what makes a good "fit" within Intentional Society? The cornerstone of our culture is first and foremost a desire to grow. It also takes an attitude of openness, humility, and of respect toward every human and the things that we can learn from interacting with them. We don't teach each other as instructors or lecturers, but rather reflect our experience of being with each other. When reflected in an honest and compassionate way, we are able to self-teach with socially-expanded insight.

Many new members thus far have come in with a high degree of emotional self-awareness and "cognitive de-fusion," having been on their own developmental journeys for some time already. This seems helpful but not essential, and we haven't established a concrete minimum age or maturity level for membership yet. If someone is looking for a bandwagon to just jump on, this isn't it. Some level of "self-authorship" - defining one's self and values independently of the social context in which one grew up - seems necessary to get traction on further development. We generally have a fairly high degree of tolerance for nebulosity and uncertainty, as we're making up our norms and structures as we go.

Inside the members-only spaces of Intentional Society, you'll find more focus on collective development (vs the individual focus of the practice program), on real relationship building, mutual support, and doing from the integrity of "post-achiever ambition."

If you're feeling any imposter syndrome or are worried about whether you're "enough"… please notice that fear, and know that we hope you can move past it! You get involved with Intentional Society through our practice program and/or informational calls.

Next page: What We Do