Friends of Intentional Society

Second Renaissance
Second Renaissance

This project is a simple introduction to this moment of civilization crisis and awakening — and the emerging ecosystem related to it.

Life Itself
Life Itself

A collective committed to practical action for a radically wiser, weller world. They create hubs, start businesses, do research and engage in activism to pioneer a wiser culture.

Starter Cultures
Starter Cultures

A lovely group of humans exploring community-building, better work, and new economic models for livelihoods and co-ops. We picked up T-group from their Communication Dojo.


Rich Bartlett assembled this framework and vocabulary for decentralized organizing, from which we reference the “fractal of belonging” and other labels like “crews” and “caller. You can also check out their Training.


Originally a collective of New Zealand-based freelancers, Enspiral has been hugely influential in the domain of co-ops and self-managed organizations. We've taken wisdom from their handbook, practices, and various ventures including Greaterthan, The Hum, and Loomio.

Building Belonging
Building Belonging

A “home for people committed to building a world where everyone belongs” sourced by Brian Stout, which has some community overlap with Starter Cultures and Microsolidarity fans. Check out their newsletter.

Sacred Ground
Sacred Ground

A “We-Space community on the evolving edge of Mutuality” organized by Stephen Marcus, providing several weekly Sacred Ground Experience sessions of interbeing presence and connection. This network also serves as a base for the Collective Presencing community, and a few other we-space oriented groups.